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  • Writer's pictureTeam Nine

Final Write-up

Piece by Peace is a hybrid of educating players about climate change, specifically air pollution, and having them reflect on their daily habits that may or may not contribute to air pollution. Our goal is to raise awareness among players about air pollution and what the future could look like if they ignore this issue. By completing the puzzle, players will be able to see which actions contribute to air pollution.

To illustrate this interaction, our team created two jigsaw puzzles depicting the same image of a city, but from different timelines. One is an ideal, utopic version that shows what the future could be like if mankind reduces carbon emissions. The other is a dystopian version that illustrates a possible future where pollution is ignored. We created a game on Twine that allows the players to answer questions that reflect on their contribution to the environment. After each question is answered, the puzzle piece the player retrieves will be revealed. The player then places their puzzle pieces facing down on the clear glass frame. This process continues until the last piece is retrieved. After the completion of the puzzle through the Twine game, players will then fill out their “mad-lib” story. The guidelines to the jigsaw puzzle and the Twine game are all published on our website to ensure the players will always have access to it.

We believe our group succeeded when it comes to the various parts of our physical and digital interaction. Our physical interaction had to parts, the two 12-piece jigsaw puzzles and the mad-lib story. The digital interaction was essentially our website and the Twine questionnaire we created. Everything you need to access the digital portion of our project is located on our website under “General Guidelines” and “Twine”. The creation of our physical and digital interactions were fairly simple, yet effective because it gives players the ability to create the future of the environment if they keep up their habits.


Throughout the creation of our project, we had to change several things from what we initially wanted. Initially, our plan was to integrate QR codes into the puzzle or somehow use augmented reality as the technological aspect of our project but we didn’t have any experience. After getting introduced to Twine we decided to use that as a way to connect the physical aspect to the technological aspect. Our Twine game consisted of 12 questions and two answer options for each question. In addition, we originally planned to have our images directly printed onto a puzzle to make it look more professional but we found out that it would take too long to order. Our alternative was buying blank jigsaw puzzles from Amazon and using glue to attach the images to the puzzles. We then used an x-acto knife to cut the images in the shape of the puzzle pieces.

Twine Design Page

When people came around to play our project, they seemed to understand the gist of the project just by reading the guidelines on our website. They were able to complete their puzzle and reflect on their habits towards the environment. You can recreate this experience by clicking the "General Guidelines" tab in the navigation on the left of your screen. Click "Twine" to access the online questionnaire.


Reflection from Team Members

Nathan Mak

Overall I’m pretty happy with how our project turned out, even if it wasn’t the most well done project and still had some flaws. For example, the puzzles themselves could have been made better so the pieces fit more naturally together. The questions on Twine could also be improved because some of the

questions were either worded poorly or the correct answers were too obvious. Even so, I still think our group’s idea was creative and we accomplished all that we set out to do.

Ken Chong

I feel happy working with our team and finally we did something. I won’t say we are perfect but I believe we try our best. In the beginning, we have no idea. And we discuss a lot and have some idea. We faced a lot of challenge and we did it. It’s amazing. I agree we can have some improvement in our project, like the twine game question, we should say something more.

Alliya Bojador

The overall final product of our project turned out well, despite the flaws it had. Our final puzzle could have been made better, rather than using our resources and creating it ourself. We could have customized our puzzle online so that way, all our pieces fit the puzzle perfectly. We also could have revised our questions more, so the answers didn't give an obvious "right" answer. We did manage to change some of the questions, and we also added facts after each question so the players were learning and understanding why the choice they made is "right" or "wrong". As a team, I believe we worked well together in order to complete each task. We were able to communicate well with what had to be done and who was in charge of what aspect of the project. In our team, we didn't have specific jobs, but we still managed to work together on all our posts and write-ups.

Shiyi Guan

I am very grateful to my team members. The work has been divided by us and the people in charge of the specific tasks. We accomplished that goal very well. At first, we faced some challenge ,but my team members are all smart person, we come up with some new ideas for the project. Even though we are not the best, we try our best to do the project. Overall, thanks my team members helps me a lot in this quarter.

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