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Book Review

What is the book?

  • The title of the art book we chose is Sheherazade and it is written in the style of a flipbook. The topic seems to be about a storyteller, presumably Sheherazade, and the memories the author has of her and her stories. As readers flip through the book, there are two major points to notice. All of the left pages are blank except for a small drawing of a woman on the bottom left corner. Readers will notice that as the book progresses, the woman appears to be bending down, picking up a jacket, and wearing it. The right pages of the book tell the story in an interesting and innovative way, as it does not conform to the traditional format of how a book should be. The words follow a perpetual cycle of enlargement, as if the pages are zooming in. The contents of the book itself can be read in five or six pages but the entire book is much longer, as its purpose is to allow readers to flip through the book, read the words when the size is appropriate, and continue flipping, repeating these actions until the book is finished.

How would you make a digital component to this book?

  • For the digital components, we would like to add one digital components which is music.  We found that this book is basically full of black and white text and patterns. In many pages, almost a whole page is full of text, which makes the book look boring. A soothing music makes people feel relaxed. Modern life is fast, competitive and stressful. Music can calm nerves, especially when reading, background music can make a person relaxed and happy, eliminate distractions, concentrate on reading. Usually, when we are upset, listening to music can calm you down. Music has a strong life energy and unique therapeutic effect. You will know the internal subtle energy system, which corresponds to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Through music, you will know more about yourself and learn how to balance yourself. To better control our emotions, we can listen to music in different states. If you want to relax while reading this book, we can put in some soothing classical music as background music.

Why did you choose this book?

  • In our group, the first impression of this book was a regular book, and we didn’t see anything special. We thought we picked a wrong book. However, when we opened this book, we realized that this is a tricky book. The book has over 100 pages, but over 70% is duplicated. We just need to read four to five pages and we are able to understand the meaning. That would be great if all our reading assignment can like this book. As a student, we all agree that we can easily to read this entire book within 30 mins. Such as a great book!

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