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  • Writer's pictureTeam Nine

class feedback

The day we presented the prototype of our project, unfortunately, 3 members of the group

were gone. Ken presented our project to the class on his own, and based off the feedback we received from the class, there was a bit of confusion with our project. The class suggested that we should make our topic more clear. To begin, our topic is about the effects of air and water pollution. We have two puzzles, both with identical pieces and pictures. The only difference between the two pictures will be, one is the “good” side (Puzzle A) and the other will be the “bad” side (Puzzle B) that we have photoshopped to look polluted to imitate what the world will look like 50+ years from now. On both puzzles, there will be adjectives that are either good (Puzzle A) or bad (Puzzle B) that will fit into a story. The story will be on a large poster and the player will be able to write (or stick) their word (or puzzle piece) into the black to complete the story. The puzzle piece you retrieve is based off our Twine game. Our Twine game will have a series of questions that relate to people’s daily habits that affect the environments air and water pollution. After the player selects their answer, the puzzle piece that they will retrieve appears.

When it comes to the website, I (Alliya), didn’t realize I formatted the page wrong and based it off the dimensions on my personal computer. I’ll make sure to fix it so everyone can see the pictures and the layout is compatible for all devices.

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